När det gäller olejprospekteringen och oljeutvinningen i Sudan har Lundin Idag sitter Adolf Lundins två söner Ian Lundin och Lukas Lundin
of Sudan – scarred by decades of civil war and misery. And yet, there is In May of 2001, Lundin Sudan, a division of Lundin Oil AB made In the words of Ian.
15 Nov 2018 The preliminary investigation was initiated in 2010 after the European Coalition on Oil in Sudan 'ECOS' issued a report in June of that year Open Letter from Ian H. · Lundin Petroleum receives information regarding a potential corporate fine and forfeiture of economic benefits in relation to past Lundin Petroleum was awarded a contract for Block 5A in southern Sudan in early Nor had the company's CEO, Ian Lundin, “seen any burning villages, only 4 Dec 2019 Open letter from Ian H. Lundin and Alex Schneiter Sudan and did everything in its power to advocate for peace by peaceful means. We also 10 Jun 2020 The Swedish Prosecution Authority announced today that the Lundin parallel investigation into Ian Lundin and Alex Schneiter for harassment and part of our work for the European Coalition on Oil in Sudan and is a to 13 Dec 2018 Alex Schneiter and Ian Lundin were leading the company's operations around the turn of the millennium in what is now South Sudan. Lundin 23 May 2019 exploration at the time of the harms) and Ian Lundin (Chairman and Lundin sold out of the area in question (what was then Sudan) in 2003. The European Coalition on Oil in Sudan (ECOS) is a large Hietarinta, Adolf H. Lundin, Ian H. Lundin, Lukas H. Lundin, William A. Rand and Magnus Unger.23. Nejnovější tweety od uživatele Ian H Lundin (@Ian_H_Lundin).
Det kan vänta oljedirektörerna Ian Lundin och Alex Schneiter efter skandalen kring oljeborrningen i dåvarande Sudan, visar hemliga dokument. Ian Lundin påminner också om att hans far, bolagets grundare Adolf Lundin, för tjugo år sedan, när olja hittats i Sudan, rådfrågade stämman om bolaget skulle stanna i eller lämna Sudan. Då ställde sig de församlade aktieägarna bakom en fortsatt närvaro i landet. 1360 Lundin Oil AB press release, “Sudan: Lundin Oil refutes the allegations,” Geneva, April 3, 2001. 1361 Lundin Oil, “Report for the three months ended 31 March 2001,” Stockholm, May 10 Ian Lundin nekar till brott i Sudan.
10 Jun 2020 The Swedish Prosecution Authority announced today that the Lundin parallel investigation into Ian Lundin and Alex Schneiter for harassment and part of our work for the European Coalition on Oil in Sudan and is a to
”Lundin har alltid förespråkat fred i Sudan och att denna fred måste åstadkommas genom fredliga medel”, skriver han. Alex Schneiter and Ian Lundin were leading the company’s operations around the turn of the millennium in what is now South Sudan. Lundin Petroleum was notified separately that the company may face a €300 million fine. The trial, which could take two years, is likely to start in the summer of 2019.
Sammanlagt har Lundins aktier ökat med fem miljarder under året.34 Dagens Industri följer med Lundin Petroleums vd Ian Lundin till Sudan. Ian Lundin berättar
Ian Lundin nekar till brott i Sudan. Oljebolaget Lundin Oil utreds för folkrättsbrott för affärerna i Sudan.. Läs mer på UNT Läs mer om: 2018-12-05 · Chairman Ian Lundin, to study an investigation that’s likely to form the basis of a charge of aiding and abetting war crimes in southern Sudan from 1997 to 2003. Bröderna Lundin vill gjuta olja på vågorna I flera decennier har olje- och gruvfamiljen Lundin hört till Sveriges mest kontroversiella entreprenörer. Sedan 2010 pågår en förundersökning där Lundin Oil utreds för misstanke om folkrättsbrott i Sudan.
The Defence Counsels for Ian Lundin, Alex Schneiter and Lundin Energy appeal to the Svea Court of Appeal (Svea hovrätt) as a result of the Stockholm District Court’s (Stockholms tingsrätt) decision not to sustain, due to a lack of available legal remedy, the Defence’s demand to discontinue the preliminary investigation based on a violation of the suspects’ human rights to a judicial
Sweden’s government has given the green light for the Public Prosecutor to charge two top executives of the Stockholm-based Lundin Petroleum company for assisting suspected crimes against humanity in Sudan between 1997 and 2003 by fueling the country’s oil wars in the south. This is being hailed by NGOs as a “unique case” for corporate […]
In October 2018, the Swedish Prosecution Authority received approval in principle to indict the chief executive of Lundin Petroleum and the chairman of the Board, Alex Schneiter and Ian Lundin. The charges relate to aiding and abetting war crimes occurring between 1999 and 2003 in Sudan, now South Sudan. Lundin Petroleum’s chief executive and chairman are set to be charged with aggravated crimes against human rights over the Swedish oil company’s role in causing thousands of deaths in South Sudan. Ian Lundin, left, and Alex Schneiter in Stockholm, Nov. 29. to study an investigation that’s likely to form the basis of a charge of aiding and abetting war crimes in southern Sudan from
Open Letter from Ian H. Lundin and Alex Schneiter Date: 15 Nov 2018 Content Type: Article; Lundin Petroleum receives information regarding a potential corporate fine and forfeiture of economic benefits in relation to past operations in Sudan Date: 1 Nov 2018 Content Type: Article; Sweden OKs trial of Lundin Oil execs for Sudan war crimes Date
The company's commercial success is overshadowed by a Swedish war crimes investigation into its past operations in Sudan. Chairman Ian Lundin and CEO Alex Schneiter are the suspects of the preliminary investigation.
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Career. Lundin is chairman of Lundin Petroleum..
23 May 2019 exploration at the time of the harms) and Ian Lundin (Chairman and Lundin sold out of the area in question (what was then Sudan) in 2003.
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Mellan 1997 och 2003 ska 10 000 människor ha dödats och nära 200 000 tvingats på flykt i södra Sudan
-Jag känner inte att jag har gjort Sweden’s government has given the green light for the Public Prosecutor to charge two top executives of the Stockholm-based Lundin Petroleum company for assisting suspected crimes against humanity in Sudan between 1997 and 2003 by fueling the country’s oil wars in the south. This is being hailed by NGOs as a “unique case” for corporate […] Ian Lundin och Alex Schneiter från Lundin Petroleum är delgivna misstanke om brott och ska nu äntligen höras av åklagare Magnus Elving.
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Bild: Janerik Henriksson/TT | Lundins ordförande Ian Lundin är en av Magnus Elving i det omfattande målet gällande folkrättsbrott i Sudan.
Året därpå ringde Ian Lundin upp of Sudan – scarred by decades of civil war and misery. And yet, there is In May of 2001, Lundin Sudan, a division of Lundin Oil AB made In the words of Ian. 18. okt 2018 Regjeringen i Sverige mener toppene i Lundin Petroleum bør tiltales for Lundins styreleder Ian Lundin og administrerende direktør Alex 21. März 2019 Lundin-Präsident Ian Lundin mit Alex Schneiter, dem Schweizer im Süden des damals noch vereinigten Sudan nach Öl zu bohren, befand 18.
“This edition of Sudan: A Country Study is a revised and updated version that replaces the ian rule was restored. The Swedish company Lundin Oil and.
Vd-åren förföljer honom i form av en förundersökning, han är misstänkt för medhjälp till grovt folkrättsbrott under tiden bolaget drev verksamhet i Sudan. Ian Lundin. Här samlar vi alla artiklar om Ian Lundin.
Lundin Petroleums ordförande Ian Lundin kommenterar åtalshotet mot honom själv och vd:n Alex Schneiter rörande folkrättsbrott i Sudan, i en intervju med SvD Näringsliv. Han säger bland annat att han tycker att de gjorde nytta under inbördeskriget, kring millennieskiftet. Oljebolaget Lundin Petroleums styrelseordförande Ian Lundin och vd Alex Schneiter har båda delgivits misstanke om medhjälp till grovt folkrättsbrott, kan Aftonbladet nu avslöja. – Det är Lundin-cheferna Ian Lundin och Alexandre Schneiter är sedan 2016 delgivna misstanke om medhjälp till grovt folkrättsbrott i Sudan.