The KI-525A is the most visible component, and what people tend to mean when they talk about an HSI. This indicator shows both your heading and course information on the same display. It may be interfaced with an Autopilot or Flight Director.


3.1.1 ki 525/525a indicator and controls 3-1 3.2 operating procedures 3-2 3.3 emergency operation 3-3 released for the exclusive use by: aircraft electronics association up536434

Therefore, pin P must be added to the existing KI-525 harness for the HDG flag in the KI-525A. If the HSI is being upgraded to the -07 version of the KI-525A, then there is another pin that must be jumpered. KI 525A HSI. Pictorial navigation indicator that simplifies course orientation, interception, and tracking. Starting at $15,293 USD* Overview. Overview Resources The panel-mounted KI 525A pictorial navigation indicator combines the display functions of both the standard directional gyro and the course deviation indicator.

Ki 525a hsi troubleshooting

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DME Indicator. KI-525A. HSI Indicator. KLN-35A. HSI Indicator. KLN-89. VFR GPS. KLN-89B.

also includes KI-525A HSI, KMT-112 Magnetic Azimuth Transmitter, and KG- 102A Clockwise and counterclockwise manual slew signals to the KG-102A.

why put your life in the hands of a light bulb or lcd display of an ehsi LinAire Test Panels LTS-525/A TEST SET FOR THE KING KI-525 & KI-525A HSI. Controls. The panel operates from 115VAC 400Hz power and produces all the DC voltages required to power the KI-525/A. The panel provides tip jacks to access the supply voltages.

Ki 525a hsi troubleshooting

No.I NAV Indicator-King KI-525A HSI AudioPanel -PS Engineering PMA 7000M-S No.2 NAV Indicator Garmin GI-106A Transponder Garmin 345 Autopilot System -King KFC-225 (Includes altitude pre-select, yaw damper, vertical speed select and altitude alerter.)

In addition to this HSI instrument is a slaving meter/compensator unit that Thanks for posting that link to the KI-525A manual SierraEcho. :)  pages Full Reprint, new manual.

ADF Indicator. KI-266. DME Indicator. KI-525A. HSI Indicator. KLN-35A.
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Ki 525a hsi troubleshooting

Free shipping for many products! The KI-525 uses analog interconnects with the GTN-650.. ARINC 429 is a digital bus, which can be used to transmit and receive all kind of data.

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KI 525A HSI includes dual glideslope pointers Manual slaving capability is available when the The KI 525A interfaces well with other Bendix/King avionics .

DME Indicator. KI-525A. HSI Indicator. KLN-35A.

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Do a signal run out test, verify antenna is good. Yes the KI-525A needles can be problematic, with the stops getting dirty, causing the needle to remain stowed. Flag circuit should be checked as well, a flaky flag circuit will cause erratic needle display.

We strongly recommend the Overhauled option, as shown here.

The KI-525A is the most visible component, and what people tend to mean when they talk about an HSI. This indicator shows both your heading and course information on the same display. It may be interfaced with an Autopilot or Flight Director.

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Got a question, see if anyone else had this issue and what the fix was.